71.5月3日缺陷不是問題-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Today is the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James. In the lives of these Apostles, the divine vocation was compatible with the limitations common to all men. Sometimes they were pig-headed and obstinate, with their fair share of human outlook, like the other Apostles. The Lord had to form them bit by bit, with infinite patience.
The Son of God became man to become our way, your way. Follow the way of his humanity and you will reach the divinity. He will lead you to himself. He made himself the way for us to follow.
For any Christian, this is the only way to be an apostle: to walk along this Way; to search for this Truth, to live his Life, the Life which the most holy humanity of our Lord offers you. What does it matter if you have defects, so long as you struggle? Our Lord has taken them into account. In this way even depression – yours, mine, anyone's – can also be a pillar for the kingdom of Christ.
This is the mission of the apostle: to lead souls to Christ, to make them know and love the only One who can save them. God calls you to be his presence and witness in the middle of society, at all the crossroads of mankind. And, he calls you to play your part in increasing the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, with your example and your words.
To fulfill this mission, only one thing is necessary: to remain united to Jesus Christ at all times, even with your personal defects and weaknesses. Seeking him, finding him, remaining with him.
[Formerly, today was the Finding of the Holy Cross]