
70.5月2日黑夜-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Today, Dedication of the prelatic church, Our Lady of Peace.


May 1935. St Josemaría left a written account of the pilgrimage. “From Avila, as we walked along, we could see the shrine [of Our Lady of Sonsoles]. When we reached the foot of the hill, the House of Mary disappeared from view. We made an observation: God often does things like this with us. He gives us a clear view of the goal and lets us gaze upon it to strengthen us in the way of his most lovable Will. And when we are very close to him, he leaves us in darkness and seems to abandon us. It is the time of temptation: doubts, struggles, darkness, weariness, wanting to fall flat on our face... But No! Onward we go!

1935年5月。聖施禮華留下了朝聖的書面記錄:「從阿維拉,當我們走著的時候,我們可以看到朝聖地松索雷斯(Sonsoles) 聖母大殿。當我們到達山腳下時,瑪利亞之家從視線中消失了。我們做了一個勘察:天主經常對我們這樣做。祂讓我們清楚地看到目標,讓我們凝視著它,以祂最可愛的旨意及方式強化我們。當我們非常親近祂時,祂把我們留在黑暗中,似乎拋棄了我們。這是試煉的時刻:懷疑、掙扎、黑暗、疲憊,想要平淡無奇......但是不!我們要繼續前進!

“The time of temptation is also a time for faith and filial abandonment in our Father God. Away with doubt, hesitation, and indecision! I have seen the way, I started out on it, and I am following it. Upwards, up the slope – come on, come on! – exhausting myself with the effort, but not stopping to pick the flowers which to right and left offer me a moment's rest and the enchantment of their scent and color... and their possession.


“I know very well, from bitter experience, that it takes only a moment to pick them and they shrivel up: and there is nothing in them for me, neither color, nor scent, nor peace. Upwards! In pitch darkness! Our Lord made me see the light once and I have mentors, guides for my passing blindness... I will obey, after opening my heart to them with all simplicity and sincerity.


“Now we have arrived. Now we see the Shrine of Mary once again. The same thing happens with the person which perseveres on his apostolic path. The night is over, and he sees with new light, a light never to be extinguished until he possesses his Love, which is God.”


    黑夜 試煉 白孟德神父
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