
72.5月4日 星期四 聖母瑪利亞圖像流淚了-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

In Hungary, the country that Pope Francis just visited from April 28 to 30, the Shrine of Máriapócs houses the replica of a Marian image that shed tears in a miraculous way like its original icon.


In this picture of the icon, the Virgin can be seen with a black dress and red veil, holding the Child Jesus in her left arm. Mary's right-hand points towards her Son (she always refers us to Him), while the Divine Child does the same with his Mother (he refers to her as “even more blessed are all who receive the word of God and put it into practice”).


The Prelature of Opus Dei indicates that the image was made in the 17th century by the painter Stefan Pap. It was commissioned by a Christian who managed to escape from the Turks. The painting was placed in the parish of Máriapócs until the supernatural events began.

主業監督團指出,這幅畫是畫家斯特凡·帕普(Stefan Pap)在17世紀的創作。它是由一位設法逃離土耳其的基督徒所委託繪製的。這幅畫被放置在馬里亞波奇教區,直到這項超自然的事件發生。

From November 4 to December 8, 1696, tears came from Our Lady's  eyes. This caused great commotion among the faithful, and since then, the place became a center of pilgrimage.


Nevertheless, Emperor Leopold I ordered the icon to be taken to Vienna, and it was installed in St. Stephen's Cathedral. It remains there to this day.


The Hungarian faithful were very sad because they felt that something very valuable had been taken away from them. So, a replica of the Marian image was placed in the Shrine of Máriapócs. Later, the miracle was repeated with the new icon.


On August 1, 2 and 5, 1715 the replica of the image of the Virgin Mary also began to weep. The same thing happened centuries later, in December 1905. It is said that on this last occasion it shed tears for almost a month.


In 1955 the original image in Vienna was visited by St. Josemaría Escrivá, Founder of Opus Dei. The saint implored her for help for the "countries of the East" then under communism. "Sancta Maria, Stella Orientis, filios tuos adiuva!" (Holy Mary, Star of the East, help your children), he prayed to her.

在1955年,主業團創辦人聖施禮華(St. Josemaría Escrivá)參觀了在維也納的真跡。這位聖人懇求她幫助當時在共產主義下的「東方國家」。「Sancta Maria, Stella Orientis, filios tuos adiuva!(聖瑪利亞,東方之星,助佑妳的孩子們)」,他這樣地向她祈禱。

St. Josemaría, moreover, named her, Stella Orientis, "Morning Star" or "Star of the East" and spread devotion to this Marian image with this invocation.

此外,聖施禮華將她命名為「Stella Orientis」,「曉明之星」或「東方之星」,並藉由這項祈禱,宣揚了對這幅瑪利亞圖像的虔敬。

Later, in 1991, St. John Paul II visited the Shrine of Máriapócs, Hungary, where the miraculous replica is located, emphasizing the importance of praying the Angelus and the victory of Christianity over those who try to destroy it.


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