
69.5月1日祈禱-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Prayer – St Joseph really knew how listen to God, and to talk to Him. He had Him, as a Man, right there, at home, in the workshop. This is prayer.


Prayer is the lifting up of the heart and mind to God. In every moment of our day, we must follow the path of love, desiring the good of the other. God is love and that is all He is.

“Every day we should set aside time especially for speaking with God, but without forgetting that our prayer must be constant, like the beating of our heart: aspirations, acts of love, acts of thanksgiving, acts of reparation, spiritual communions. When we walk along the street, when we close or open a door, when we see a church bell-tower in the distance, when we begin and end our tasks and while we are carrying them out: we direct everything to God. We are obliged to make a continual prayer of our ordinary life, for we are contemplative souls along all the pathways of the world.” (St Josemaría)



Thank you, Father, for conferring on me the passion and courage with which I must fulfill your will. I humbly beseech You to increase my faith and my hope.

Lord, I ask that I may not reject your Love, that I may always be close to You as the little hatchlings to the hen. May my freedom be always to choose You.



When someone goes that way, the Bl. Trinity transforms the soul in which it dwells, imprinting on it signs of its presence, making it more and more like Itself.


    祈禱 聖若瑟 白孟德神父
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