
68.4月30日光榮歸於天主-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Glory belongs to God alone because he is the Lord of all things.  And on being made man and coming to live among us, he has shown us that we are not on this earth to seek a passing, temporal happiness. We are here to reach eternal happiness, following in his footsteps. And we will only attain this by learning from him.


The world was created for the glory of God. He is the highest good and supreme goodness, and He knows that we can only be happy if we live for him. And the only purpose of created beings, man included, is to give glory to God. We were born to give him glory. “If life did not have as its aim to give glory to God, it would be detestable - even more, loathsome.” St Josemaría.


Thus, our life should be one of continuous praise to God. Because whatever is lovable in us belongs to God. Convinced of this reality, we must not work for our own glory, but to disappear from view; and with our sacrifice, we shall put Christ at the summit of all human activities.


Thus, we shall be, each, an icon of the Good Shepherd. Let us be faithful to our mission, renew every day our "yes" to Christ, and be a worthy sign of his love for every person around us.

Let us tell Him: "Lord, for myself I want nothing. All for your glory and for Love."

Lord, raise up generous souls, ready to be icons of the Good Shepherd and place themselves totally at the service of the Kingdom of God.




Our Lady lived a hidden existence, and yet her whole life was a constant act of praise, a "yes" to God. _Magnificat anima mea Dominum_, my soul glorifies the Lord. Let us ask her to help us rectify our intention many times during the day; and imitating her, let us repeat: _Deo omnis Gloria!_ - all the glory for God.

聖母過著隱秘的生活,然而她的一生卻是不斷地讚頌,對天主說:「我願意!」。-Magnificat anima mea Dominum-我的靈魂頌揚上主。讓我們請她幫助我們,在整天多次糾正我們的意向,效法她,讓我們重複一遍:-Deo omnis Gloria!-一切光榮歸於天主。」

    光榮歸於天主 白孟德神父
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