The bosom of creativity
The divine embodied in men and women
By Leo R. Maliksi
Of all art subjects, nothing draws more curious gaze than the naked human body. Throughout history, rustic and refined artists have sought to embody beauty in either Venus or Apollo and some ancient peoples have found a representation for fertility in a fleshy and buxom Earth goddess.
Only a few masters have managed to convey the profound artistry that is expressed by the human body. For the majority, the naked human body is just the touchstone for sensuality, their paintings or photographs leading to nowhere beyond the excitement and disquiet caused by our eyes gazing on naked humanity.
Certainly, sensuality stimulates creativity --- it expresses itself in art, in love, in the birth of another person. Without sensuality, we are not human. It is so much a part of our bodies that Greek and Roman sculptors and Italian painters have sought to express it in nudity in art.
But unknown perhaps even to themselves, they were searching for something beyond sensuality --- their quest was for the original purity of our human nature. The great masters like Michelangelo Buonarroti, Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Boticelli have succeeded in expressing the pure language of the human body.
We speak not just with words, but with the sometimes more expressive language of our bodies. The eyes can convey love or hate, joy or sadness, welcome or rebuff. The hands are full of meaning---their movements convey different messages.
Among the meanings expressed by our bodies, nothing is perhaps more profound, totally interactive and ultimately more fruitful than the language of sex. A marriage is consummated with this body language. Great artists and scientists come into being with the sexual union of man and woman. The very homes in which we live, the highways, the offices, knowledge, culture, war and peace trace their origins to men and women who are in turn the fruits of the physical union that is the climax of the body language of love.
A great philosopher once said that God continues his work of creation through the offspring of the marital act. If due to some physiological defect, that act is fruitless, the love that they express through their total self-giving to each other reflects the great mystery of love that is the inner life of the Creator.
It can even be said that everything God wants to tell us on earth about himself, the meaning of life, the reason for our existence, how we should live, as well as our ultimate destiny, is contained somehow in the meaning of the human body and the call of male and female to become "one body" in marriage.
According to Pope John Paul II, by reflecting on the three levels of "experiencing" the body, sexuality, and marriage, we discover the very structure and deepest reality of human identity --- we find our place in the cosmos and even penetrate the mystery of God. Hence the question of sexuality and marriage is not a peripheral issue. In fact, he says the call to "nuptial love" inscribed in our bodies is "the fundamental element of human existence in the world."
But this body language can be full of deceit. Just as a handshake can hide an intention to murder, or a smile conceal hatred and indifference, the language of sex can disguise the sickly selfishness of using another person for one’s own pleasure or egotistic amusement instead of the total self-giving it should express.
This is the evil of contraception – the castrated expression of love, the incomplete fulfillment of the creativity of the human body, the conversion of this image of the divine into a mere sex object, a piece of merchandise sold to the lusts of men.
Mature men and women can gaze at an artistic representation of the human body in its naked purity. After all true art seeks to communicate the unchanging qualities of beauty. The great masters succeed in reaching these universals and with unequalled fluency, proclaim them to the world.
The works of Michelangelo express the balance, harmony and serene possession of unmerited talent that we find most attractive in a thing or person of beauty. They move us to contemplation, to an acceptance --- usually unaware --- that beauty itself is beyond us and we have each received uneven portions of this gift.
It is easy to see how pornography naively posing as art incites us not to contemplation, but to possession. It dissipates our sensuality and imprisons our creative impulses within ourselves, preventing us from totally expressing them in our work, in total self-giving to another person or in art. Pornography is the killer of creativity.
Creativity reaches back to the original integrity of our body and soul, when unhindered by its materiality, our body obeyed the commands of our soul and in so doing opened before us the unlimited creative possibilities of our nature --- a nature that is an image of the creator.
We lament the breakdown of marriages and the ensuing corruption of our societies. In our search for solutions, we fail to recognize that the answer may lie in acknowledging the divine embodied in ourselves. This theology of the body may just be the renaissance our times so badly need.
劉力樹先生是台灣英文新聞 (Taiwan News) 的特刊主編,暨中華民國文化教育交流協進會的執行長。