104.6月5日三位一體的奧秘-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Seven essential points on the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. While preserving the mystery, in some way, these points help us to appreciate the gift.
1. With our human reason alone we can grasp only some attributes of God. For example, we can know with certainty that God exists, and what are his fundamental traits.
1. 只憑我們人類的理性,我們只能領悟天主的某些屬性。例如,我們可以肯定地瞭解天主的存在,以及祂的基本特徵是什麼。
2. To grasp the other supernatural attributes of God, we need Him, and He has revealed himself to us.
2. 要領悟天主的其他超性屬性,我們需要祂的協助,祂已經向我們啟示了自己。
3. There is only one God. Scripture is clear in this teaching, and in that Jesus Christ is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God.
3. 只有一位天主,聖經在這方面的教導,是很清楚的,主耶穌基督是天主,同時聖神也是天主。
4. Erroneous attempts to explain the mystery have drifted to two extremes.
The first is to speak of the Son and the Holy Spirit simply as 'other manifestations' of the one God, in the manner of a person who changes his dress according to circumstances. The second error is to present the Son and the Holy Spirit as lesser ones, subordinated to the Father, as his 'creatures'.
4. 嘗試解釋這項奧秘所產生的錯誤,已經走向了兩個極端。
5. Fundamental concepts. First, nature, substance and essence. In God there is only one essence and one substance; there is one answer to the question, “What is He?” The answer is “He is God.”
6. Second, the concept of 'person' and the 'relations' between the Divine Persons. There are three distinct Persons in God, who answer the question “Who are you?”. The three answers are, “I am The Father,” “the Son,” “the Holy Spirit.”
6. 其次是,「人」的概念和神性的位格之間的「關係」。在天主內有三個不同的位格,祂們回答了「祢是誰?」這個問題。而這三個答案是:「我是父」、「子」及「聖神」。
7. There is no perfect similarity between the being of God and that of any creature. A certain parallel can be established when we think with St. Augustine that the three principal powers of the soul have some resemblance with the Divine Persons.
"Our memory recognizes the power of God the Father; our intelligence seeks to rest in the wisdom of God the Son, and our will tends to love and be loved as is possible only in Love by essence, which is the Holy Spirit".
7. 天主的存在與任何受造物的存在之間,是截然不同的。當我們與聖奧斯丁一起來思索著,靈魂的三種基本能力與神性位格,其中某些相似之處時,可以建立特定的平行關係。
Consider the Past. Strengthen your Faith: The Blessed Trinity chose to reveal his mystery to us.
Present. Live with charity: The Bl. Trinity lives inside us.
Future. Rejoice in Hope: The Trinity is the foundation of our hope, of returning to our Father, accompanied by the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.