16.  聖潔-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


Look at chastity of body and of spirit is as wings. Wings, even for those majestic birds which soar higher than the clouds, are a burden, and a heavy one. But without wings, they could not fly.


Grasp this idea clearly, and decide not to give in when you feel the sting of temptation, with its suggestion that purity is an unbearable burden… Take heart! Fly upwards, soar aloft, up to the sun, in pursuit of Love! (St Josemaria)


At times the fight to practice this virtue may be a hard one. However, we will always be helped by our basic motivation of love, which gives meaning to our life, and also by these words, of St Josemaría: “Someone who has once seen his Christian commitment clearly, even if he were never to see it again, should hold on to it forever out of a sense of faithfulness, never looking back once he has put his hand to the plough.”


We cannot be surprised that we still have inclinations that try to steer us off our way, temptations that offer earthly consolations. One thing is to feel temptation, quite another to consent. Temptation can be rejected easily with God's help. What we must never do is to dialogue with temptation. God's Love is worth any love!


Lord, let me be renewed by this Eucharist. Let me become more like Christ your Son, who is Lord for ever and ever.


Today’s challenge: At Mass, ask our Lord to keep you pure, in his hands.


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