17.  聖潔的實踐-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


The means that help us practice holy purity are:


1. Intense work done with a sense of responsibility.

2. Fleeing from occasions of sin.

3. Guarding of our heart and our senses…guarding our eyes.

4. Mortification, which controls our feelings and our body, giving us the self-mastery of God's children.

5. A real relationship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

6. Frequent Confession; and

7. Devotion to our Blessed Mother. The three Hail Marys we say at night will help us in a special way.

1. 以責任完成緊的工作。

2. 逃避罪的場合。

3. 保護我們的心靈和感官...保護我們的眼睛。

4. 克己:控制我們的感情和體,使我們擁有天主兒女的自我制。

5. 在聖體聖事中與耶穌建立真正的關係。

6. 經常告解;以及

7. 虔敬我們的聖母瑪利亞。我們在晚上遍聖母經,會以特殊的方式幫助我們。

Woven into these means are humility, and its immediate consequence, sincerity. If the dumb devil gets inside a soul, he ruins everything. On the other hand, if he is cast out immediately, everything turns out well; we are happy, and life goes forward properly. Let us always be brutally sincere, but in a good-mannered way.


Go to spiritual direction with your soul wide open. Don't close it because, I repeat, the dumb devil will get in, and it is difficult to get him out again. Tell first what you would not like to be known.


This gift - chastity - is granted to those who asked for it. Our humble petition will be answered through the intercession of our Lady, Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis, Mother of Fair Love.

聖潔—這份禮物—是要賜予那些祈求這份恩典的人。我們謙遜地請求,將透過聖母瑪利亞,純愛之母Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis)的代禱而獲得回應。

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