21. 3月14日祂的愛-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Jesus' trajectory has been to give himself out of love to the extreme. And what is his secret? That his human heart was fully satiated with the love of God the Father and in harmony with Him. He gave his life to satiate with love the hearts of all those who approach him and to make us capable of loving as he loved, giving us his Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary, you will facilitate that the Holy Spirit may unite us in a greater and purified love. Help us in this decisive spiritual battle.
Make possible, Lord Jesus Christ, what we cannot achieve alone and allow us to reach the paradise where we will all love each other fully.
Today’s challenge: Repeat the aspiration “Jesus, Jesus, be for me always Jesus!” that St Josemaría used.
Pic: God the Father send his Son from heaven to die for us. From the Cross, and always united to the Will of the Father, Jesus rescues each repentant sinner from the quagmire.