22.  315日屬靈的戰鬥-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


If everything seems to be fading away, if your spiritual edifice totters, find your support in filial confidence in Jesus and Mary –the sure and steady rock on which you should have built from the beginning.”


Our spiritual combat in the presence of God and of all our brothers in the faith is a necessary result of being a Christian. So, if you do not fight, you are betraying Jesus Christ and the whole Church, his Mystical Body.” St Josemaría


So, let us lift our gaze from the horizon and look upwards, because everything in our life is from God and for God. Let us not excuse our mistakes with the mistakes of others, because our only model should be Jesus, in Him we should fix all our goals.


On the one hand, we have to struggle as if everything depended on us; and on the other, we must turn to God with the confidence that comes from knowing that our petition will be heard.


To seek a remedy for our faults is a task of love. For this reason, we must take advantage of a very necessary - and indispensable - means, which is the examination of conscience.


Illustration: The Child Jesus holds a cross, his Cross, placed at the center of a circle that represents the entire world, waiting for us to bring Jesus into it.


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