20. 3月13日 犧牲-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Love for the Will of God brings us joy in sacrifice. When we offer discomfort, tiredness, adversities, and small mortifications for the salvation of souls, they then take on the same significance. They give us gaudium cum pace, peace and joy in the Cross, something characteristic of the saints.
熱愛天主的旨意,會給我們帶來因犧牲而喜樂。當我們為靈魂的救贖奉獻不舒適、疲倦、逆境和小克己時,這些就會具有相同的意義。他們給了我們gaudium cum pace(平安和喜樂),在十字架上的平安和喜樂,這是聖人們的特質。
Yet, there is a kind of fear around, a fear of the Cross, of our Lord's Cross. What has happened is that people have begun to regard as crosses all the unpleasant things that crop up in life, and they do not know how to take them as God's children should, with supernatural outlook.
“We have to accept mortifications – from the small details of punctuality and order in work, to the renunciation of all that is ours – with the same attitude as Jesus Christ.” (St Josemaría). Our Lord is upon the Cross saying, I am suffering so that men, who are my brothers, may be happy, not only in heaven but also – as far as possible – on earth, if they really embrace the most Holy Will of my heavenly Father.
You should realize that God wants you to be glad and that, if you do all you can, you will be happy, very, very happy, although you will never be a moment without the Cross. But that Cross is no longer some gallows. It is the throne from which Christ reigns. And at his side is his Mother, our Mother too…and St Joseph. The Blessed Virgin will obtain for you the strength that you need to walk decisively in the footsteps of her Son.
Today’s challenge: When a little unpleasant event happens, accept it, saying: You want it, Lord, I also want it.
Illustration: The Presentation in the Temple, icon of Our Lady and St Joseph in Russian imperial regalia.