40.  42日聖母瑪利亞-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


Christ has truly risen. This is the central mystery of our faith. Christ is alive even now. His Resurrection is the principle of my own resurrection; if I die with him, I will resurrect with him. This joy should transform my daily life and spread to those around me.

The Risen Christ conquers sin and death; he lives forever and intercedes for me before the Father. If he is with me, who will be against me?



I am not fighting alone. The Holy Spirit is poured out abundantly on the Church on the day of Pentecost; he is here, inside me, constantly, if I am in the state of grace.

But I should correspond to the “motions” of the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit to act in my soul, I need to be listening with docility. With trust in his help, I should set high goals, resolutions, in my Christian life, and be daring in the apostolate.



The life Our Lady, Holy Mary, Mother of God was a constant following of her Son, right to the sublime moment of the Passion.

I am a child of Mary; on the Cross, Jesus entrusted each of us to his Mother. If I want to be a good Christian, our Lady has to become part of my life.

Like a good mother, she teaches me how to become like Christ. Our Lady is the model of all the virtues, and in special way, our Lady is the model of holiness in ordinary life.

Do I seek out, frequently, her motherly intercession? Do I stay close to her throughout the day with aspirations and practices of Marian piety?

Our Lady will also help me to begin again whenever I need to: “To Jesus we always go and we ‘return’ through Mary.”






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