41. 4月3日那個罪婦-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
After anointing the feet of Jesus and wiping his feet with her hair, Mary kept quiet. She did not care about the comments and criticisms her behavior produced; it was enough for her to see Jesus happy.
Mary's attitude has forever remained as a gentle invitation to be generously faithful to the Lord, giving him absolutely everything. Whatever we do, will always be very little to repay his love, since he gave himself up to death, and death on the Cross, for the sake of each one of us, for me.
Her house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment, and the world is also filled with her good name, because a good name is like a pleasant fragrance. For this reason, those who call themselves Christians, but who live badly, insult Christ.
Lord, help me, so that my actions are consistent with my love for you, effective and right; so that they give off the “bonus odor Christi,” the good fragrance of Christ, evoking, for all to see, Jesus’ way of doing things.
主啊!請幫助我,使我的行為,有效而正確地與我對祢的愛偕同一致;這樣它們就會散發出「bonus odor Christi,主基督芬芳的香氣」,喚起,並讓所有人都看到,主耶穌行事的方式。