39.  41日 愛的標記-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


God established a Covenant of salvation with his People, which was renewed with the sacrifice of a lamb. In the Last Supper, Our Lord establishes the definitive Covenant; he is the Lamb in the ultimate Sacrifice. He “advances” the sacrifice of the Cross, and “prolongs” its presence sacramentally, every time, in the Eucharist, as the sign of his immeasurable love.

How do I “live” the Mass?



The Holy Mass builds up the Church. It is the center and root of a Christian’s interior life. Jesus remains present in the Tabernacle. Do I visit him? Do I receive communion frequently? Do I participate in the liturgy with reverence?


We cost him very much. Contemplating our Lord’s Passion, meditating on his sufferings, helps us understand the depth of his love for each one of us, sinners.

If he did this for me, what should do for him? I must discover and love the daily cross so that I can follow Jesus. That is how I should accomplish the Will of God. Sacrifice leads me to have the peace and joy of the blessed. Christian joy has its “roots” in the shape of a cross.



I wish to die to sin and rise with Christ to the new life of grace. I want to have my heart free to give myself to God and to the others.

Lord, help me to fight idle curiosity, in the use of technology, in controlling my reactions and moods, in making life more pleasant for others, cheerfulness, order, etc.



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