112. 6月13日聖體聖事-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
“Now, and always, every single person will have to fight his own personal battle, knowing that everything depends on how he responds, and that God our Lord always gives us the means to conquer. So, let's fight those battles, my daughters and sons! Let's win them all, with a lot of love; and if we should lose any, let's get up straight away and resume fighting again. Especially as we are fed every day on the Bread of Heaven, the Bread of Angels, which is not to be thrown to the dogs ...” St Josemaría
In the sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus comes to you to make permanent his sacrificial offering, provoking your own offering.
Your Christian life may be summarized thus; it is the reciprocal, permanent offering of your own life to God the Father, united to Jesus Christ, moved by the Holy Spirit.
The Eucharist is a constant provocation of Jesus to turn your life into an offering to God for the service of others.
Your sign of identity as a Christian is fraternal love, which springs from eating the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist.
Jesus is in our midst, from the moment of consecration in the Holy Mass, and he comes to stay. Yet an ordained priest is indispensable for this great marvel to happen. And we need so many of them…
Then, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, we confess the truth of the Eucharistic faith, and abandon ourselves to God's will, in silence and with simple praise. In adoration, we "consent to God", not just "feel God."
The Eucharist is a precious invention of Jesus; with it, he has succeeded in making himself a contemporary of us, of all men, through the sacrament.
Your life is worth very little, and it will disappear like water in a basket; it passes like a sigh. However, offered every day with Jesus Christ, it acquires an infinite value.