111. 6月12日天主恩賜的禮物-自由-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
“God's love is a jealous love. He is not satisfied if we come with conditions. He longs for us to give ourselves completely, without keeping dark corners in our heart, where the joy and happiness of grace and the supernatural gifts cannot reach. Perhaps you are thinking, ‘If I say “yes” to this exclusive Love, might I not lose my freedom?
“Each one of us has at some time or other experienced that serving Christ our Lord involves suffering and hardship; to deny this would imply that we had not yet found God. A soul in love knows, however, that when such suffering comes it is only a fleeting impression; the soul soon finds that the yoke is easy and the burden light, because Jesus is carrying it upon his shoulders as he embraced the wood of the Cross when our eternal happiness was at stake.
“But there are people who do not understand. They rebel against the Creator, in a sad, petty, impotent rebellion, and they blindly repeat the futile complaint recorded in the Psalms: Let us break away from their bondage, rid ourselves of their toils.
"They shrink from the hardship of fulfilling their daily task with heroic silence and naturalness, without show or complaint. They have not realized that even when God's Will seems painful and its demands wounding, it coincides perfectly with our freedom, which is only to be found in God and his plans.” St Josemaría