105.6月6日家庭主婦的角色-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Role of homemaking for women. “For decades now, some thought that women’s unhappiness was because home life demeans us; and the remedy would be for us to despise it in return,” explain Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering, co-authors of “Theology of Home II: The Art of Spiritual Living.”
“Nothing could feel further from the truth. My mother passed away. She did many things in life, but what stands out to me is how beautifully she gave herself as a stay-at-home mom, and how many lives she enriched in this way. That gave her life meaning, and is what she gave to others: namely, her fruitfulness as a woman who made a home for a family.”
“Women are powerful, but power cannot the purpose of our life —it is a mechanism, a means. In the 1960s, our culture took away the notion of fruitfulness, while offering us the promise of power and control.” Home and family went out the window. In came contraception, abortion, and the new image of ‘career’ as everything in a woman’s life… Our educational system and culture reinforce the idea that the pursuit of power is the preeminent business of womanhood.”
“Despite what the some may tell us, all women—no matter our vocation—have been created and built up for a kind of fruitfulness…” Though, not every woman will become a mother with children.
“There could be a disconnection; while we love our home, we fail to recognize the importance of a homemaker,” a value that is not in the physical, material home. Rather, it is in the purpose of every home.
“Home is where we prepare our families for Heaven…Homemaking is not merely an unfortunate but necessary burden; rather, it is an opportunity to acquire something that is difficult to get outside of a home… That something is the capacity to be fruitful.”
家是我們為家人準備的天堂......家務工作不是一種不幸,而且是一種必要的負擔;相反地,這是一個機會,為獲得一些難以步出家門的事務......那事務就是豐碩的能力。」“Fruitful living enables our own souls to mature. A homemaker is a person getting a degree in love.”
Living as a Gift to Others. Perhaps you hesitate. Be bold. Have the courage to get a “doctorate or PhD in love.”
Pic of Nuestra Señora de Guía (of Guide), in Magallanes, Cavite. With her hands, Our Lady seems to be indicating the straight path that leads to eternal happiness. “Do whatever He tells you.” Do not look elsewhere, the way is there, in front of you.
插圖是我們的嚮導之母(Nuestra Señora de Guía),在甲米地的麥哲倫。聖母以她的雙手,似乎在指出通往永恆幸福的筆直道路。「祂無論吩咐你們什麼,你們就作什麼。」(若2:5)不要看別處,路就在這裡,就在你面前。