98.5月30日聖神,請來!-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Sharing two prayers written by two saints to ask for the guidance of the Paraclete.
The great Doctor of the Church St. Augustine (354-430) composed a short prayer in which he asks the Paraclete to help him live a holy life.
偉大的教會聖師聖奧斯丁(A.D. 354-430)撰寫了一篇短禱,他請求護慰者幫助他過聖善的生活。
Holy Spirit, inspire me, that I may have holy thoughts.
Holy Spirit, guide me, so that I may act in a holy way.
Holy Spirit, draw me, that I may love holy things.
Holy Spirit, strengthen me, that we may stand for holy things.
Holy Spirit, help me, that I may never lose holy things".
Saint Josemaría Escrivá wrote this prayer to the Holy Spirit:
"Come, O Holy Spirit!: enlighten my understanding, to know your commands; strengthen my heart against the snares of the enemy; inflame my will..... I have heard your voice, and I do not want to harden my heart and resist, saying: later..., tomorrow. Nunc coepi! NOW! Lest tomorrow may not come to me.
O Spirit of truth and wisdom, Spirit of understanding and counsel, Spirit of joy and peace! I want what you want, I want it because you want it, I want it in the manner you want it, I want it when you want it...".
「噢,聖神,請來!:啟發我的聰敏,好使我能瞭解祢的旨意;堅強我的心,好抵抗敵人的誘惑;點燃我的意志.....我已聽到了祢的聲音,我不想頑石不冥和抵抗地說:「等一下……明天」Nunc coepi! 此時此刻!免得我不會有明天。
噢,真理和智慧之神,聰敏和超見之神,喜樂和平安之神!我意願祢所意願的一切;我意願因你意願;我意願如祢意願一般;我意願在祢所意願的任何時候...... 。」
Photo: St. Fernando, King.