97.5月29日聖神的工具-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
The Lord has “opened to all humanity, without exception, the possibility of a new life, of being reborn in the Spirit, of beginning to live as conquerors who can exclaim: If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not give us all things with him?...”
With the sacraments, we receive the Holy Spirit, who gives us a new heart, makes us a new creature with new effectiveness: namely, the possibility of reaching sanctity and helping others attain it as well.
The Holy Spirit's action requires our intelligent, free cooperation, since God does not force our will, but moves it in such a way that we remain free at all times.
We need to grow, to prepare to receive the Holy Spirit more fully and abundantly. St Josemaría wrote: “The Holy Spirit - God with you - is giving a supernatural tone to all your thoughts, desires, and actions.”
We are instruments of the Holy Spirit. “When God wishes to carry out an enterprise, he uses totally inadequate means so that all may see that the work is his. Hence you and I, who know well the great weight of our own limitations, should say to God: ‘Although I see my own wretchedness, I realize that in your hands I become a divine instrument.’”
“And so, we can apply to ourselves the question asked by the Apostle: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? And we can understand it as an invitation to talk with God in a more personal and direct manner. For some, unfortunately, the Paraclete is the Great Stranger, the Great Unknown. He is merely a name that is mentioned, but not Someone, not one of the three Persons in the one God, with whom we can talk and whose life we can live.”
「所以,保祿宗徒提出的問題,也可以引用在我們的身上:『你們不知道,你們是天主的宮殿,天主聖神住在你們內嗎?』 祂希望我們接受這邀請,以更個人、更直接的方法與天主交往。很不幸地,許多人認為護慰者是位了不起的陌生人,是位極偉大的無名氏,祂似乎有名無實,不是可以和我們共同生活交談的唯一,三位一體的天主的第三位。」(基督剛經過,134)