
95.5月27日擁有天主,就擁有一切-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Our life is like that of the man in the parable who finds a buried treasure in a field, and in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Jesus Christ made us see that there is nothing to compare with such a treasure, and that therefore we should put behind everything else in order to possess it.



Although the treasure is priceless, our Lord did not ask us for everything all at once. Little by little, he helped us overcome our weaknesses and asked us for further renunciation and greater dedication. Our initial self-giving was inspired by love, in the first joy of our discovery, and he wants us always to maintain the joy that springs from love.

Both at the start of the journey, and when we have traveled quite a distance –with the help of the Holy Spirit– love should be present.



“Sometimes one hears love described as if it were a movement towards self-satisfaction, or merely a means of selfishly fulfilling one's own personality.

“And I have always told you that it isn't so. True love demands getting out of oneself, giving oneself. Genuine love brings joy in its wake, a joy that has its roots in the shape of the Cross.”



“Every Christian should seek Christ and get to know him by talking and listening to him, in order to love him. The same thing happens during courtship: the couple must spend time getting to know each other, because if they don't, they won't fall in love with each other. And our life, my children, is one of love.” St Josemaría


Let us lose our fear of giving ourselves too much. Let us give ourselves to God and souls without reserve. And if we are tempted to set limits and start bargaining, let us remind ourselves that we should strive to love, which means surpassing ourselves joyfully in our duty, with self-sacrifice.

If God is everything you have, you have everything.



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