12.  35 - 你的護守天使白孟德神父Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


Lord, help me to know what your Will for my life is, and how can I come closer each day to fulfill it. Your bread, Lord, is life, and in that life is my happiness. Grant me the grace to be convinced of it and to live it.


I should not be afraid to give the same answer as Matthew. He was a tax-collector and, for the Jews of his time, a sinner. Let me follow his example of conversion and open the door of my house, of my heart, to a great banquet with Our Lord. Let me in, despite my past faults.


St Josemaría wrote: “Tell your Guardian Angel – as I tell mine – not to look at our faults, for we are sorry and contrite. And ask him to bring to God this good will of ours, which flowers in our heart like a lily on a dunghill.”


As I child, I learned this prayer "My guardian angel, my sweet companion, do not leave me alone by night and day; do not forsake me, for I will be lost."


Today’s challenge: As I am a child for my Father God, I should continue praying that aspiration.



My blog: https://charlesbelmonte.blogspot.com/

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