13. 3月6日回歸日常-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Yesterday, we contemplated the Lord revealing his glory in Mount Tabor, in the presence of chosen witnesses. His face was like the sun in glory, and his garments as white as snow.
Previously, the apostles had to climb the mountain, and now they are tired by the effort.
After the vision, the Lord commanded them to get up, arise, and go down with the other apostles, with the crowd, to find again fatigue, doubts, and sickness. The period of bliss was short, and now they were to go back to ordinary life.
Similarly, Abraham was enjoying his position in the highly developed area of Ur, then God told him to leave behind all that comfort and security and go to an undetermined place, to fulfill God's will.
Today, this is also our situation. We live our ordinary life where we meet difficulties, work, and sickness; and yet, we sometimes are given moments of consolation by the Lord.
The important message today is contained in the Lord's command, to get up, to go back to your ordinary life. In both cases –Abraham and the apostles– they left behind a situation of serenity and relative security in order to go into the unknown, in order to fulfill the will of God. This should be our case also.
Am I ready to, first, listen to the Lord?
Second, to get up from my situation of pseudo-comfort?
And, thirdly, am I willing to fulfill exactly what God expects from me? … Not only now, but every day of my life, the Lord invites me to leave the glory of the Tabor behind, and to go where work and even the cross are waiting for me.
Today’s challenge: As you wake up, tell our Lord, “This day for you. I will serve you.”