26. 3月19日大聖若瑟節-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
God only wants me to be humble, like St. Joseph, and to empty myself so that he can fill me with his grace in my poor heart.
A humble prayer is the only interior attitude pleasing in the eyes of God, who opposes the proud, but gives his grace to the humble. Humility makes prayer all-powerful; it allows God to work in our soul, and it opens the way to sanctity.
I wish I had a sincere desire to wrap myself in this virtue taught by Jesus Christ when he said, “I am meek and humble of heart.” It was the virtue which attracted the gaze of the Most Holy Trinity to his Mother and our Mother: the humility of knowing and being aware of my nothingness.
Yet, I must not be deceived by false humility. Humility requires struggle. This fight should start from knowledge of the enemy, and the enemy is pride, self-love, vainglory.
It is necessary to let myself be transformed by God: to throw myself into the bosom of the Most Blessed Trinity so that my way of thinking, willing and loving become as God wants, divine. There is no true humility without a profound immolation of myself on the altar of the heavenly liturgy, united to Him."