27. 3月20日盟約-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
God tells us that He planted a vineyard. The vineyard is us; it is you and me, who have sealed a covenant with Him. A covenant of fidelity. A commitment to change the world with our life, with our “yes,” with our daily surrender. We have said yes, and we have committed ourselves.
St. Joseph was designated the guardian of Jesus and Mary. And he fulfilled his mission. A full life, that is what God gave him, and likewise promises us. I wish I had more of St. Joseph's vocational sense of life: the purpose and meaning of one's life.
As he did with St. Joseph, Jesus comes out to meet us and has called us by our name. Each one’s vocation is a hidden treasure, an inexhaustible source of graces from God to fulfill that mission. Do I make use of those graces waiting there to be employed?