37.  330基督為核心-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


God’s love for us led the Son of God to take on a human nature to be able to die, and so, free us from sin. And then, He “divinizes” us by making us sharers in the divine nature. This is the path to heaven. Our faith is not a grand idea but an encounter with a Person: getting to know Christ, falling in love with him, and growing constantly in that love; the greatest Love.


Holiness consists in acquiring Christ’s attitude, living his very life. To truly know and love him we have to deal with him in prayer and in the sacraments. Living the Gospel, reading it and putting ourselves in it “like one more person” in the scene. Who is Jesus for me? Is he my best friend? My elder Brother?


Jesus, “the son of a craftsman,” grew up and lived just like one of us. Jesus saves us, not only when he preaches, when he is on the Cross, but also when he is in the workshop of Nazareth.


To attain sanctity, it is not necessary to do extraordinary things, but to fulfill with love our ordinary daily duties. Do I realize that it is there, in my family, social, and professional duties, that Jesus comes into the world in a simple and normal family home. “Bright and cheerful homes” are formed by putting Jesus in the center of family life. Do I “invest’ in my family life? Do we do some practices of piety together, perhaps only a few, but regularly?


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