151.7月22日天主的事業-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Ungodly men reasoned to themselves: "Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us, and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our tradition."
Such was the life of Jesus, and such should be the life of all of us, his apostles, since “a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.”
But, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” They are dried-up water wells.
Although we will encounter difficulties, our response, with God's help, has to be unwavering: remaining firm in the faith. We must bear witness to the truth. “If we are faithful, we will have the fortitude of a person who is humble, because he lives identified with Christ. My children, we are what is lasting; everything else is passing away. It doesn't matter!”
“Sometimes the persecutions are violent. …For some time now, the Church has been in a painful, anarchical kind of situation, which gives rise to continually renewed confusion in doctrine, morals and discipline, causing serious harm to souls…. We must drown all that terrible evil in an abundance of good.”
Logically, also against the Work:「It was persecution like the persecution our Lord suffered at the hands of the chief priests: slander, lies, deceit, insults, in the press, in private conversations... We were everyone's whipping-boy. Everyone felt they had a right to spit on us. And yet we were happy in our isolation. We could see our Lord's hand in this persecution and we knew he was with us. So, we kept our mouths shut, and we smiled and worked and prayed.”
“Yes, my children, that's how the Work was accomplished – with no money, and no virtues. All I had was twenty-six years of age and a sense of humor.”
God is not only behind us but among us, working incessantly. Thank, Lord! because you have never abandoned us, because you have done battle for us, and with us. None of the devil's deceits has ever succeeded nor can ever succeed against our Lord. Thank you!
Our Lord, along with the Blessed Virgin, took care of the Church and of the Work with great love, leading us along the path to holiness and supporting us along the way.
In the painting, St Josemaría wanted to describe her protection. Our Mother holds the Child Jesus, as she looks at a solid pillar with the seal of the Work. The pillar has been attacked with stones, (some of these remain at its foot) and some corner has been chipped off. Yet she extends her mantle over it as a pledge of her protection. Two angels crown her as Queen, while others offer incense to honor God. Jesus blesses the pillar, God’s Work, his work.