
150.7月21日驕傲與謙遜-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

It is impossible for anyone to give himself to others, to be effective in the apostolate or at ease in family life, when one is engrossed in his own problems and disproportionately worried over his own mistakes. That sort of attitude produces only mistrust, touchiness, selfishness, sadness and ineffectiveness.


“And do you know what is behind all this, what the source of it all is? Lack of humility; pride. "I'm not loved, … nobody cares about me, … my talents are not recognized, … nobody realizes what I am able do and how much I am worth..."


 Here we have one who could be wonderfully at peace, very happy and contented, and who nevertheless, through pride, through wanting to stand out and be the center of attention, to get special treatment, becomes miserable and unfruitful. If ever a soul heads down that road, and fails to open up and be humble, then, besides suffering himself, he will make others suffer too, and will make no progress whatsoever.”


“My thoughts are thoughts of peace, and not of affliction. The plans I have for you are plans for welfare and not for evil, says the Holy Spirit. So, whenever you lose your peace, whenever you and I lose our peace, at that moment it is as if we had separated ourselves a little from God. We must regain our peace as quickly as possible; we must think thoughts of peace, things which give us serenity and make us effective in our work with souls in the world.”


“God asks us to fill our hearts with apostolic zeal, to forget about ourselves in order to be concerned, in earnest sacrifice, with the whole of mankind. Most of the people who have personal problems have them because they get wrapped up selfishly in themselves. Give yourself, give yourself, give yourself! Give yourself to others, serve others for love of God: that is the way.” St Josemaría


When God sees our struggle, when he hears our humble cry, he will listen. We will bear fruit and will become sowers of peace and joy.


Our Blessed Mother is a wonderful example of humility and charity. Mary's humble song of joy, the Magnificat, recalls to our minds the infinite generosity of the Lord towards those who become like children, sincerely aware that they are nothing.


    驕傲與謙遜 白孟德神父
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