139.7月10日為什麼會這樣呢? -白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
A friend asked me, Why does God allow bad, corrupt people to prosper?
In a company or corporation, I see that some of these persons are promoted, and even remain at the head of the governing board, causing harm to the corporation and disorienting the customers. Why so?
– Only God knows. For some situations, there are legal means. But let us look now at the crucified Christ; he is crowned with thorns. “Then the governor’s soldiers stripped Jesus and put a scarlet robe on him, and then plaiting a crown of thorns, they set it on his head.” (Mt 27, 27-29)
These thorns inflicted a great torment on him. But did he take off the crown of thorns? Did he ask anyone to take it off from him?
– No. He suffered for our salvation.
Where were the thorns? Not strewn on the ground, like loose nails!
– The thorns were at Jesus’ head, at the top of his Body.
Likewise, for that corporation, I guess, we have to continue praying, asking Our Lord to shorten the period of His suffering (mind you, He is the One who suffers most).
Yes, “Corruptio optimi pessima,” the corruption of the best is the worst kind of corruption. Only humility helped by grace can stop that corruption, that sudden switch from the best to the worst. St Augustine writes: “I have found no better people than those who are advancing in holiness, but neither have I found any worse than those who have abandoned it."
是的,「Corruptio optimi pessima」,最佳的腐敗,就是最嚴重的腐敗。只有藉由恩典助佑的謙遜,才能阻止腐敗,突然從最好的轉變成最壞的。聖奧斯丁寫道:「我無法找到那些,比在奮鬥成聖勇往直前的人,更好的人;但是,我也沒有發現,比那些放棄成聖的人,更糟糕的人。」
“Holding fast to our Lady's hand, let us make the resolution now to be faithful always; to be faithful day by day in the little things, which is to say, to live a continual, lifelong faithfulness, that is, perseverance.” St Josemaría
Meanwhile, be patient. God may permit us to lose a skirmish, but He never loses the battle.