
138.7月9日那個軛-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

The Lord reveals himself to those who are humble. Today, we hear him say: "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to the little ones.”


The "little ones" listen to him; they perceive that he speaks in the name of the One who sent him. But others have hardened their hearts and rejected the Son of God sent into the world to save them.


When humility is neglected, man tries to supplant God, but not in the way which Christ himself has made possible, saying, “Take and eat, for this is my Body” (1 Cor 11:24), but by trying to reduce God to human limits.


Do I bless the Lord because he has chosen me, when there are so many people with more qualities and virtues than I? Do I thank him because many souls open themselves to the light of God through my effort? Do joy and gratitude reign in me for all the good that the Lord accomplishes in the Church and among us?


St. Augustine: “Know thyself through Him; know that thou art man, and yet so great is thy worth, that for thy sake God became man. Do not attribute this to your pride, but to his mercy.”


Drawing close to Jesus Christ, we learn to be meek and humble, we renounce judging others, we seek to serve them, we are filled with the joy and peace proper to those who allow themselves to be modeled by the Holy Spirit.

All good things come from God. At times it may seem that evil predominates. But being closer to Jesus, we can look at the world with more accurate judgments.



Those who know that they are small before God accept the loving divine demands. Identified with Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit, they are filled with peace.


You hear within you: "How heavy is this yoke that you have freely taken! It is the voice of the devil; the burden... of your arrogance. The only heavy yoke is that of self-love, of pride.”


“Ask the Lord for humility, and you too will understand those words of Jesus which I freely translate as: my yoke is freedom, my yoke is love, my yoke is unity, my yoke is life, my yoke is efficacy.” (Mt 11:30),


The Virgin Mary’s joyful example and her powerful intercession make it easier for us to take the yoke of Christ, which is love, freedom, life and fruitfulness.


    那個軛 白孟德神父
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