92.5月24日造物者之母-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Titles of the Blessed Mother: Mater Creatoris, the Mother of the Creator. We cannot refuse this title to Mary without denying the Divine Incarnation – that is, the great and fundamental truth of revelation, that God became man. She did not conceive “something” but Someone who is God.
聖母的榮銜:「Mater Creatoris,造物者之母」。我們不能拒絕聖母瑪利亞的這個榮銜,而又不否認聖子的道成肉身-也就是說,偉大和基本真理的啟示,天主成為了人。她不是懷孕「其他人」,而是天主。
This was seen from the first age of the Church. Christians were accustomed, from the first days, to call the Blessed Virgin “The Mother of God,” because they saw that it was impossible to deny her that title without denying St. John’s words, “The Word (that is, God the Son) was made flesh.”
In a short time, the error sprang up that our Lord was not really God, but just a man, differing from us in this merely: that somehow God dwelt in Him, as God dwells in all good men, only in a higher measure; as the Holy Spirit dwelt in Angels and Prophets, as in a sort of Temple.
Then the bishops and faithful people found there was no other way of stopping this false, bad view being taught but by declaring distinctly, and making it a point of faith, that Mary was the Mother of the Person, not of man only, but of that Person who is God. And since that time the title of Mary, as Mother of God, has become what is called a dogma, or article of faith, in the Church.
What a great wonder, namely, that we become the brethren of our God; that, if we live well, and die in the grace of God, we shall - all of us hereafter - be taken up by our Incarnate God to that place where angels dwell; that our bodies shall be raised from the dust, and be taken to Heaven; that we shall be really united to God; that we shall be partakers of the Divine Nature; that each of us, soul and body, shall be plunged into the abyss of glory which surrounds the Almighty; that we shall see Him, and share His blessedness, according to the text, “Whosoever shall do the will of My Father that is in Heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother.”
Inspired on St. John Henry Newman