
76.5月8日啟示與科技-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Man has always tried improve the quality of his life by his labor and abilities. Today, particularly by means of science and technology, he has extended his mastery over almost the whole of nature. As a result, where formerly man looked to supernatural forces for blessings, he now secures many of these benefits for himself, thanks to his own efforts.


Yet men are asking themselves a series of questions. What is the meaning and value of all this activity? How should these benefits be used? Where are the efforts of individuals and communities finally leading us?


The Church is the guardian of the deposit of God’s word; she integrates the light of revelation with the skilled knowledge of mankind.


While some speak of AI (artificial intelligence), the Church goes higher and proposes EI (eternal intelligence), (or EW, Eternal Wisdom), that is, seeking God’s Wisdom, and obeying his Will.


Man, created in God’s image, has been commissioned to master the earth, and so rule the world in justice and holiness. He is to acknowledge God as the creator of all, and to see himself and the whole universe in relation to God, in order that all things may be subject to man, and God’s name be an object of wonder and praise over all the earth.


So far from thinking that the achievements gained by man’s abilities and strength are in opposition to God’s power, Christians are, on the contrary, convinced that the triumphs of the human race are a sign of God’s greatness and the effect of his wonderful providence.


The Christian message does not deflect men from the building up of the world, or encourage them to neglect the good of their fellow-men, but rather places on them a stricter obligation to work for these objectives.


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