
63.4月25日 是的,我們能!-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Even though we are of the earth, we must allow Jesus to transform us, to raise us up to the level of divine life. Then, we shall have a divine way of thinking: our Faith; and a divine way of loving: our Charity.


Today, as always, the Christian faith finds obstacles along his way. Without personal sacrifice there will be no fruit. “The Cross is present in everything, and it comes when one least expects it. But don't forget that normally, the Cross comes when you start to be effective.


“Far from discouraging us, the difficulties we meet must spur us on to mature as Christians. This fight sanctifies us and gives effectiveness to everything we do ... We must be convinced that to imitate Christ, and be good disciples of his, we must take his advice to heart: If any man has a mind to come my way, let him renounce self, and take up his cross, and follow me. That is why I like to ask Jesus, for myself: Lord, no day without a Cross! Then, through God's grace, our characters will grow strong, and we will become a point of support for our God, over and above our own wretchedness.


“Take a nail for instance. If you meet no resistance when you hammer it into a wall, what can you expect to hang on it? Likewise, if we do not let God toughen us through sacrifice, we will never become our Lord's instruments. On the other hand, if we decide to accept difficulties gladly and make use of them for the love of God, then in the face of what is difficult and unpleasant, when things are hard and uncomfortable, we will be able to exclaim with the Apostles James and John: Possumus! Yes, we can!” St Josemaría


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