
51.4月13日戰勝一切-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

The Lord is risen! We have died and risen with Christ; we have been born to the life of grace, to the life of God's children. Our strength rests on our awareness that we really are children of God. Being so, God makes up for the strength we lack.


“Thus, our own failures do not drag us down. Rather they are an invitation to begin again, And even if they were grave sins, the sacrament of penance, received with true sorrow, enables us to recover our peace with God and to become again a good witness of his mercy.


“Struggle vigorously against difficulties, in a sporting spirit, joyful in hope, in the knowledge that, helped by God's grace, you will always win your struggle because God does not lose battles.

“To overcome all obstacles that may arise, we must always take divine grace into account, before everything else. We are not engaged in a human enterprise, nor are we doing our own will. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide.” St Josemaria



    戰勝一切 白孟德神父
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