
47.  4月9日主基督復活了-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Tell us, Mary, say, what thou didst see on the way? I saw Christ's glory as he rose. Christ, my hope has risen!


In the middle of my daily work, when I am trying to overcome my selfishness, when I am enjoying the cheerful friendship of other people, there, I should rediscover God. Through Christ and in the Holy Spirit, I have access to the intimacy of God the Father, and I should spend my life looking for the Kingdom which is not of this world. I must seek Christ in the word and in the bread, in the Eucharist and in prayer. And I want to treat him as a friend, as the real, living person he is – for he has risen.


“After the hosannas of his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the time came when Christ was left alone, nailed to a piece of wood to die.

“Our Lord is all alone, and his disciples fled. And who stays by his side? Mary, with a small group of faithful women and one young man: all the others have turned coward.

"Right now, let us tell our Lord fervently that we will be faithful, that we are ready to make any sacrifice, let us tell him: Lord, with your grace; Mary, my Mother, I need your help. I am so weak, I make so many mistakes, I commit so many little errors that if you leave me alone, I feel I would be capable of committing great mistakes.




“But despite everything we dare to say to God our Lord: I am ready for anything; I want to become what you called me to be, when you gave me this Christian vocation; not just another Christ, but Christ himself. Nevertheless, I am so weak, so prone to error that unless you help me, I'll just waste my life.


“This is the great day which the Lord has made, this is the day of his victory. Where are those who crucified Jesus? Today, it is Christ's enemies who are fleeing, for he never loses battles.” St Josemaria


Border: Mosaic from Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (6th century).


    復活節 主基督復活了
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