





The Father is Coming!

Four Joyful Days


Dominic Lin

Translated by: Fr. Rolly Sia

監督(通常我們稱他為父親)在 四月二十四日 晚上八點五十五分搭機經香港返回羅馬,給我們留下了無限的回憶,僅將個人有限的記憶及感受紀錄下來,獻給父親。

April 24. 8:55pm. The Prelate (We usually call him the Father.) flew back to Rome via Hongkong. leaving behind us countless memories. I would just like to put down into writing my limited reminiscences and feelings, and to offer this to him.


三月二十八日突然接到謝宗茂神父的郵件,通知我父親將在 四月二十一日 至二十四日由日本來到台灣,要我馬上通知所有的朋友,心想上一年八月三日家人在新加坡與父親會面,父親說他一定會來到台灣,現在就要實現了,要盡快準備安 排相關的活動,於是就先搜尋通訊錄中所認識的朋友,以電子郵件將消息傳出去,接下來所有的成員及協助人皆開始動員,整修及打掃四個中心,並為父親在中心安排辦公兼臥室。

The Father is Coming! Beginning of Preparations

On March 28 I got an e-mail from Fr. Rolly Sia that the Father would be here in Taiwan April 21-24! Fr. Rolly asked me to inform all our friends. Then I remembered my meeting with the Father last August 3 in Singapore where he said he would surely come to Taiwan. Now it has come true! And so, all the preparations went full blast. I spread the news to all friends in my e-mail contact list. All the members and cooperators of the Work were mobilized. All four Centers of the Work were prepared including the room for the Father.

父親來的時間正好是復活節的第二主日,兩週前我所屬的堂區永和聖母升天堂,本堂神父邀請謝神父主講聖週一、二晚上的避靜,我在堂區負責成人的道理班及查經班, 因此盡可能將消息傳給所有認識與不認識的教友及非教友,且徵得本堂神父的同意將自製的邀請函公布於公佈欄,希望能吸引有心的教友注意,當然也遇到一些教友 詢問到活動的內容及主業會是什麼樣的組織,藉此機會作一些介紹,大多數的被邀請者都欣然接受,也有人坦白表達沒有意願。

The Father’s visit was during the second week of Easter. Two weeks ago the parish priest of Yungho Our Lady of the Assumption Church requested Fr. Sia to preach Lenten retreat on Holy Monday and Tuesday evening.. In the parish I give adult catechism and Bible classes, so I told the news to all including non-Christians. After getting the priest’s consent I also posted an invitation card in the bulletin board, hoping all with read it. Some Catholics asked about the nature of the gathering and about Opus Dei. I explained it to them. Many accepted the invitation; a few declined.


I continued to spread the news verbally, by e-mail and my blog. Each time there was a positive response I gave thanks to God. Greetings and prayers from Mainland China, Singapore and Macau poured in. We also believed that members in the whole world were praying for us. Mainland Chinese members were also hoping that Opus Dei would start a Center in Beijing.


As the date was approaching our family thought of how to meet him in the airport, what to wear, what gifts to buy, how to bide our time etc. On April 20 it rained hard, together with thunder. So, if the weather tomorrow were like this, I wonder how would the Father take it. That night I did not sleep well due to excitement.


April 21 Arrival of The Father

二十一日早上起床沒想到天氣放晴,出了大太陽真是奇蹟,相信天主熱愛父親,也是所有會員祈禱的結果,中午與妹妹約好,她帶著三個小孩到公司來接我和內人,一起去接機,父親的飛機預定一點十分抵達,到了機場,羅瑞文蒙席、主任劉力樹、王大使及隨行人員先至下機通廊接機,妹夫已先由大陸飛抵機場與我們會合,Richard由香港過來,謝神父及Hernan也在入境大廳等候,飛機在一點十九分降落,約一點三十五分父親一行人出現在眼前,我們熱情地向他揮手。我們親吻他的權戒,妹妹預先準備了兩束花由六歲及七歲的奕禎、奕昀送給父親,妹妹又將一九九六年在機場接父親的相片遞給父親,父親在後面寫上「Omnia in bonum」,在一一介紹家人之後,我們與父親一起合照留念,可以看出父親有些疲累,但他仍然面帶微笑與我們每個人問候,之後搭外交部的派車回到中心。

April 21. When I woke up in the morning I didn’t realize it had become sunny. It’s somewhat a miracle the sun came out! I believed this is because God loves the Father, and also that it’s from the prayers of all members of the Work. At noon I met my younger sister. She brought three of her children and picked me and my wife up in my office, and together went to the airport. The Father’s plane was expected to arrive at 1:10pm. Msgr. Ramon Lopez, Leo, Ambassador Larry Wang and some attendants went to the connecting tube. My brother-in-law a little earlier arrived from Mainland China and was with us, same with Richard from Hongkong. Hernan and Fr. Rolly were also in the arrival waiting area. The plane landed at 1:19pm. At about 1:35pm as the Father walked toward us we affectionately waved to him. We then kissed his ring. My six year-old nephew Yi-Zhen and seven year-old niece Yi-Yun presented to the Father two bouquets of flowers prepared by my sister. My sister also gave him a 1996 photograph of the family greeting the Father’s arrival at the airport. At the back of that picture the Father wrote Omnia in bonum! After introducing each family member to him we had a family picture taken. Though noticeably tired he still smiled at each one of us. He then rode to the Center in the official car provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

接完機我和內人至「台灣手工藝推廣中心」為父親挑選禮物,我預先已經在網路上作了篩選,禮物一定要輕巧、有紀念價值,才方便父親帶回羅馬,最後決定購買一個 透明琉璃製中空的台灣模型,名為「破繭而出-成長中的台灣」,也希望父親能帶回羅馬作為永久的紀念,我也挑選好一本書「創辦人的傳記第三冊」請父親為我寫些字。

My wife and I went to the Taiwan Handicraft Promotion Store and bought gifts for the Father. I decided previously upon surfing the net that it had to be light and commemorative so that the Father could bring it to Rome. Finally we bought a crystal glass carved on one side with the Taiwan shape. The product description reads: “Struggling Out of A Cocoon---The Growing Taiwan”. I also selected a book---The Founder of Opus Dei, vol. III---for the Father to write something on.

父親一到台北馬不停蹄的展開各項活動,先於六點在女生部文杉學舍與年輕女學生座談,小女芩芩及姪女奕欣一同前往,小女說父親全場站著演講並回答問題皆無坐 下,她看了都感動得有些想哭;結束女生部的聚會,父親直奔男生部城中學苑,會員及協助人們在七點就已經陸續來到,約有二十人,父親於七點二十分回到中心與大家打招呼,且與前梵蒂崗大使杜筑生教授熱情擁抱,大使在羅馬時由父親為他受洗,兩位custodes (保護者)”也與他熱情擁抱。

Once in Taipei the Father started with a couple of activities. At 6:00pm in Wenshan Residence for women he gave a talk to the residents. My daughter Chin-Chin and niece Yi-Hsin went there. My daughter was moved and felt like crying seeing the Father standing the whole time of his talk as he answered questions. At 7:20pm the Father came back home to Cheng Zhong Center from Wenshan. About twenty members of the Work and Cooperators came as early as 7:00pm to Cheng Zhong.. He greeted everyone, and gave a warm hug to the former Taiwan Ambassador Tou whom he baptized in Rome. The two “custodes” accompanying the Father also gave a hug to the former ambassador.

主任劉力樹在聚會前介紹了父親的背景及他與創辦人的關係,我很幸運在講座中坐在父親的右邊,專心地聆聽父親說話,父親在聚會中提醒我們要尊敬聖體櫃、成為基 督居住的聖體櫃、作一個祈禱的靈魂、多克己、要彼此相愛、要努力成聖,不要怕累;父親現場也回答了三個問題,結束後我第一個接受父親的擁抱,讓我深深地感 受到他的愛,我也緊緊地擁抱他,給他最大的支持,之後他一一地與現場每一位參與者熱情的擁抱,充分表現出他身為父親的大愛。然而預先準備好的書沒機會讓監 督簽字,因為父親時間太緊,只好將書放在中心門口的書櫃等待機會。回到家裡我傳簡訊給謝神父,希望神父能抽空將書交給父親簽寫,神父回覆說沒問題。

Before the get-together Leo spoke on the relationship between the Father and the Founder. Feeling very lucky to be seated on the right of the Father, I listened attentively to the Father’s words. He reminded us of the reverence we should have for the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, becoming tabernacles ourselves where Christ lives in. We have to be souls of prayer, of more mortification, and who love one another. We have to strive to be holy, undeterred by tiredness. After answering three questions, the Father first hugged me. To this I also gave him my warm hug, showing him my utmost support. How deeply I felt his love! Then he hugged each one affectionately with the great love of a father. However, I didn’t get the Father to write something on the book that I prepared due to time constraints. I just left the book on a bookshelf of the Center. Back at home I sent an SMS to Fr. Rolly hoping he could give the book to the Father for signing. Fr. Rolly said it’s ok.


April 22 Meeting of My Family with the Father


April 22. Overcast and windy. My entire family was to meet the Father at 6:40pm at Cheng Zhong. My wife and I agreed to come back home early and picked up my mother, then my daughter at school. My wife prepared the clothes my daughter would wear, and with the agreement of the women’s Center, at 5:30pm I brought my daughter there to change her clothes, then went to Cheng Zhong. My wife told me that the Father just left the women’s Center after meeting five families. He had no time to rest! At 6:00pm we arrived at the Center. We waited first in a nearby store until 6:30pm when my younger sister arrived. As we entered the Center together I saw and opened my book in a bookshelf, still not signed by the Father. Fr. Rolly said that the schedule was very hectic that there was no time to give it to the Father for signing. He told me to give it directly to the Father. It would be the better way.


6:40pm. The Father came in to the living room. I hugged him as he called my name. I introduced my mother, my wife and other family members. The Father said that my wife looked like my daughter. Really, a person’s age does not show! Then he talked to us, encouraged us, and strengthened our faith. He was looking forward to tomorrow’s general get-together. I knew that he was looking at me as he talked because I was all ears to his words. I felt deeply his love for his children, giving himself entirely to us. I recorded all his words. Afterwards, I brought out my pen and book and asked him to write on it. He said he would keep and give it back to me tomorrow. I also explained the gift I was about to give to him. He said: “I know you want me to remember you forever!”


My brother-in-law and my sister also presented their gift. The Father said he would bring them to Rome. He gave a rosary to each one of us. The kids had candies instead. In their apparel Fr. Ramon poured put a fistful of candies. My sister asked Leo to tell the Father that Yi-Zhen and Yi-Yun have development problems. The Father immediately bent down, kissed and blessed them. My daughter wanted me to ask the Father for prayers for the college entrance exam she will take in one a half years. He said: “No problem. I will remember it.” I also told him my niece Yi-Hsin, with the April 22 release of the exam results, made it to the Department of English of the National Cheng Chi University, close to Wenshan Residence. The Father was very happy.

因為父親八點要到河山學舍聚會,在父親要離開前二姪女奕祈五月要考高中,也要我請父親為她祈禱,且要用手機錄下父親的聲音,小女也拿出手機,父親停下來對她們說:「I will pray for you everyday, because I love your family and each one of you with all my heart! Okay! Don't forget to pray for me, because I will pray for you everyday. Okay! Thank you!」這一句話永遠印在我們每個人的心裡也成了絕響及我們的來電答玲;如今內人用它當作「morning call」好幫她達成「英勇的時刻!」父親就像一位慈祥和藹的父親,滿足了孩子們所有的需求,就好像「基督剛經過」一樣,憐憫了人們所有的需要。

As he had to be in the 8:00pm Heshan get-together, before the Father left my niece Yi-Chi wanted me to ask him for prayers for her May senior high school entrance exam and also for him to record his voice in her mobile phone. My daughter also brought out mobile phone. The Father said to them: “I will pray for you everyday, because I love your family and each one of you with all my heart! Okay! Don't forget to pray for me, because I will pray for you everyday. Okay! Thank you! ” These words which became profoundly engraved in our hearts also became a marvelous sound. They had become the ring tone of our phones. Now my wife uses it as a morning call to help her live the “heroic minute!” The Father is like a kind father who wants to satisfy all the requests of his children, just like “Christ passing by”, who has compassion on people’s needs.

晚上十點多謝神父來電再向我說,父親要他翻譯一句話:「With all my affection I bless you.」我建議他可以翻譯成:「我以我所有的愛降福你們。」之後我將當天聚會的內容記錄下來,上傳部落格及香港,就睡覺了。

Past 10:00pm. Fr. Rolly called. He said that he was asked by the Father to translate one phrase to Chinese: “With all my affection I bless you.” I suggested that the translation be 「我以我所有的愛降福你們。」Afterwards, I wrote down the content of the that get-together, uploaded it in my blog and to Hongkong. Then I slept.


April 23 General Get-together at the Activity Youth Center

十三日天氣又放晴,父親仍然排滿了行程,特別是在晚上七點半要在「青年育樂中心」舉行大型聚會,父親一直期待能在這場大型聚會能與所有的台灣朋友們見面, 我和內人很幸運地被分配到為父親開車門及引導到準備室。父親的座車在七點二十分到達,現場有主教公署派來的攝影師攝影,我一開車門父親就對我說:「你的書我已經寫好了。」我很驚訝父親還記得,我深信他答應我的事一定會做到。進門時有三、四位路人站在那裡,也向父親微笑打招呼,父親同樣答禮,我在路上靠近父親告訴了他,我將他告訴我們的話全部紀錄下來,而且上載到部落格及主業會網頁上,讓大家分享我們的喜樂,父親一直說很好;沿路也有幾位會員迎接父親。

April 23. Sunny. Still another activity-filled day for the Father, especially the 7:30pm general get-together at the Youth Activity Center. He had been looking forward to this meeting with Taiwanese friends. My wife and I were lucky to be assigned to open the car door for and to accompany the Father to the waiting lounge. He arrived at 7:20pm. A cameraman from the Archbishop's Curia was there. As I opened the door the Father told me: “I already wrote on your book.” I was surprised he remembered it. I was sure he would do what he promised me. As we were walking I told him I recorded everything and uploaded it to my blog and to Opus Dei website to share our joy with all. All this time he said “Very good!” On the way he was welcomed by some members of Opus Dei.

在還沒開始講座前,我陪父親及兩位custodes (保護者)”,以及羅瑞文神父在準備室等候,父親要我不要站著一起坐下來,他很平靜的與我聊天,他說台灣的人民都很友善,而且充滿喜樂;他問我一天睡多久,我說大概十一點睡,早上五點四十分起床,因為要帶小女坐校車,然後去望彌撒;他說創辦人要我們每天要睡七個半小時,這樣身體才會好,工作也才做得好;其實這兩天我為了及時寫下紀錄,到十二點多一點才睡,為父親做一點犧牲算不了什麼,因為他為我們付出的更多。

Before the start of the general get-together I accompanied the Father, his two “custodes” and Fr. Ramon in the waiting lounge. He told me not to be standing up but to sit down. We talked very calmly. He said the Taiwanese are very friendly and cheerful. He asked me how many hours I slept everyday. I replied that I sleep at 11:00pm and wake up at 5:40am as I have to bring my daughter to the school bus, then go to Mass. He said that the Founder wanted us daily to have seven and a half hours of sleep. This way our bodies will be fit and our work will also be done well. Actually these past two days I slept only past midnight to write down things. This little sacrifice for the Father is really nothing. His self-giving for us is much more!


 “Have you eaten?” the Father asked me. “Not yet. I’m not hungry,” I replied. “Tonight you’ve to celebrate,” he said. “Yes, after the get-together,” I replied. I took advantage of this opportunity to say all that I wanted to tell him. These days members of the Work from Singapore, Macau, Mainland China, Hongkong and the Philippines were sending their greetings to The Father and were praying for us. He said: “I know that all the members are praying for us.” He also thought that Taiwan is the jumping board to Mainland China. After receiving formation here all the members will go to Mainland China when the time is ready. During the conversation I deliberately extended my hand to him. He understood me and clutched my hand, showing his affection. I realized that he was all the time attentive to the needs of others. No time to think about oneself.


I told the Father: “The weather these days was very special. It’s as if everything was prepared for us.” He said: “I prefer rainy days and winter because it’s more comfortable.” He added that he visited Archbishop John Hung, and met former Archbishop Joseph Ti Kang and Bishop Joseph Wang. He was thankful to God for the support and affection of the bishops for Opus Dei. It’s the reason why the Work can develop in Taiwan smoothly. Thanks be to God! He told me that the work of doing translation is very important. If the translation was not good the entire meaning becomes incorrect. The meaning also is lost. “Yes,” I replied.


Before the Father went onstage Boris and Jun constantly updated us of the situation outside, Just as children reported to his father. The Father waited calmly. Finally, at 7:35pm everyone was all seated. Then the Father, led by Msgr. Ramon Lopez, went onstage, greeted by a warm applause.

在座談中父親講演完後,我提出了第一個問題:「父親您好:我是您的兒子Dominic Lin,感謝您在1996年十三年後第二次來到台灣,將所有的恩寵帶給我們,雖然上一年八月初我們家三個人很幸運地能有機會與您在新加坡見面,還是要感謝您那麼快就實現承諾,來到台灣看我們。

After the Father’s introductory talk I asked the first question. “Father, I’m Dominic, your son. Thank you for coming to Taiwan the second time, thirteen years after your 1996 visit, and bringing graces to us. Though last August we three in the family were lucky to see you in Singapore, we would like to thank you still for fulfilling this promise, in so short a time, of coming to Taiwan.


I want to ask you: “Taiwan is a non-Catholic country. Every religion has an explanation for the meaning of suffering, especially in the present global financial crisis. What is the meaning of this unexpected suffering for our life?”


The Father answered in detail. Firstly, he talked about the unity between suffering and the Cross for the Catholics. Then he talked about the needed attitude in facing a sudden loss of job. Finally, he mentioned about how to help to the best of one’s ability friends who are suffering, just like what Jesus said: “What you do to the least of my brethren you do it for me”. The Father asked me: “Clear?” I said: “Thank you, Father”.

當晚的座談非常圓滿且座無虛席,當場由Peter Herbert將西文直譯為英文非常順暢;西文直譯為中文則由女生部負責,大家都為父親的講演而感動,現場還有電視台TVBS來採訪,又再一次提到「達文西密碼」的問題,當然這次他們可以直接感受到主業會是個大家庭,裡面充滿了愛,因此謠言不攻自破。

That evening get-together was seated to full capacity. Peter’s translation from Spanish to English was very smooth. The English to Chinese translation was done by one lady member of Opus Dei. Everyone was touched by the Father’s words. Even TVBS made an interview, once again bringing up the Da Vinci Code topic. This time, of course, they could feel the family atmosphere—filled with love—of Opus Dei. Rumor cannot win, and cannot but set itself for self-destruction.


April 24 Flight of the Father Back to Rome


April 24. Sunny again. Originally my wife and I planned to see the Father off at the airport. However, I had two meetings that afternoon. So I informed Leo that if we needed to go, then we had to make some arrangements. Leo told me there’s no need. I told Leo that my entire family really misses the Father, and that we would pray daily for him. My daughter told her mother: “The Father is going back to Rome now. I feel sad.” In reality, we all feel same.

香港的Paul Ho傳郵件給我,上一年父親到香港時,他與父親會面並擁抱他,使他淚流滿面,這次父親回羅馬在半夜過境香港,他正好在塔台當班,他要我告訴父親:「您的兒子正在塔台認真地工作,而且向您揮手預祝一路平安!」

Hongkong’s Paul Ho sent me an e-mail. Last year in Hongkong he received a hug from The Father. He cried. This time, The Father had a stopover in Hongkong. Paul was on duty in the control tower. He wanted me to tell The Father: “Your son was working diligently in the control tower, and at the same time waved to you, wishing you a safe trip!”


In the evening, as I had to pick up my daughter from class after my return at home, I passed by the Center to get the book that the Father signed for me. I met Liam and Boris who just returned from the airport. They said there was no one in the Center and that I came just on the right time. I felt very relieved to know that the Father brought the gifts to Rome. Finally, at the room of Leo I saw the book. I got the surprise of my life as I opened it! On top of the page were the handwritten words of the Father:

「Sancte Iosephmaria, ora pro nobis, adiuva nos!


+Javie 22-IV-2009」

並夾著一張紙條寫著:「¡ Os bendigo con todo cariño!


「Sancte Iosephmaria, ora pro nobis, adiuva nos!


+Javie 22-IV-2009」

Also, written in a piece of paper:「¡ Os bendigo con todo cariño!




At the end I realize that in such a tight schedule the Father still managed to find time to write something for me. Even more, writing in Chinese which he is unfamiliar, engraving his love in words! He said that he was willing to learn Chinese. I learned that love is giving one’s time, and to become like us. Upon return at home I showed the book to my wife and daughter. How moved we all were!




This visit of the Father to Taiwan left on us a very deep impression of love. It also taught us how to love. The Father showed us with his example. In him we can see the shadow of our Founder. Selfless love. Indefatigable, he goes around the world to be with his daughters and sons. Just as he said in the general get-together: “I am willing to spend time together with the people I love”.


It is clear that as the Father spoke, it was like the Founder and Jesus Christ also talking to us. He undoubtedly satisfied all of our needs, just like Jesus Christ passing by us. We have to remember his words: “Love one another. Give love in return for love. Love Christ. Entrust yourselves to our Mother.” In the face of difficulties always keep in mind that Christ loves us thus. So let us recall the scenes in the Sacred Scriptures, and reflect in ourselves, that we cannot stop just being with Jesus Christ in Mt. Tabor. Our lives most of the time are along the way to Calvary. Our Lord already prepared the way for us and for those who will come afterwards.


I believe that the Father has left to everyone who has seen him with a very special feeling. I am just sharing my personal experiences as a witness. It is very clear. I will still meet him at the right time and place!




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