Opus Dei (which is Latin for "Work of God") is a group in the Catholic Church founded on 1928 in Spain by St Josemaría Escrivá. It is composed mostly of ordinary students, housewifes, workers, professionals, both married and unmarried. Two percent of its members are priests.

Opus Dei主業會(拉丁文意思是「天主的事業」),這是天主教的一個團體,由聖施禮華在1928年建立於西班牙,其中的成員,大部分是一般學生、家庭主婦、工人、專業人士,也就是涵蓋了所有獻身於工作的人們,包括:結婚及不結婚的成員,而其中百分之二是神父。

All Catholics believe that there is life after this world. They also believe that if one behaves according to one's conscience and the teachings of Jesus Christ, they will enjoy infinite and eternal happiness afterwards. This is what "heaven" means--unlimited happiness that does not end. Being in heaven is the same as being a saint or being holy. This is what Catholics believe.


Opus Dei teaches its members and their friends what ordinary people like them can do in order to enjoy that eternal happiness, to become holy. Its basic teaching is that--aside from fulfilling one's spiritual obligations--one must study or work to the best of his ability, and fulfill his obligations to his family and to other people as best as he could. By doing so, he can also get to heaven, he can become holy.


In this way, Opus Dei encourages its members not only to be good when they are praying inside the church, but to be responsible children, or mothers or fathers, husbands or wives, and also to be conscientious students, or honest and competent workers and professionals. This is because St Josemaría taught that when one does his work well in order to please God, he is also praying. So one prays not only in church, but at home, in the street, in the classroom, in the office, in the factory, on trains, buses, ships, airplanes--in short, in all places and at all times. 



When other people around us see us do these things, they are also inspired to follow. Through our example and our advice, we help them discover that by doing these things, they can forever be happy in heaven after their life on earth. 


In short, Opus Dei helps one to work well and find happiness in his work. As our school motto says: "Joy in Duty" -- 勤而樂.


Opus Dei is now in 66 countries with 87,000 members.



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