6. 祈禱-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄
As Christians, our mission is to co-redeem, which means to cooperate as God's instruments so that the fruits of his Cross may reach every soul. God wanted to make great things, but depending on our cooperation.
Thus, our Christian vocation includes a guarantee from Christ that we will always have the grace we need for this supernatural task. He will give us his divine strength to renew the earth, and spread to people across the whole world the desire to achieve holiness in and through their state in life.
What a lot of spiritual calories you need! And what a tremendous responsibility if you let yourself grow cold! And – I don't even want to think of it – what a terrible crime if you were to give bad example! Feel the responsibility you have for your mission: all heaven is watching you.
To accomplish it, you must be constantly united to Jesus, like a branch to the vine.
Each day during this Lenten Season, I will be offering you a challenge, which will help you prepare for the joyful day of Easter.
Today’s challenge: It is called, “Where Is God? Have a few minutes of intimate conversation with God –this is prayer– thus, you will listen to Him in your heart.
今天的挑戰:被稱為「天主在哪裡?」與天主進行幾分鐘的親密交談—這就是「祈禱」— 因此,你會在心裡聽到祂對你說話。