10. 犧牲-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄
Even now, Christ who hung on the Cross with his arms open wide, in the gesture of an Eternal Priest, wants to rely on us, who are nothing, so as to bring the fruits of his Redemption to other people. The Holy Cross is the necessary pre-condition for apostolate to bear fruit, because for us to reach God, Christ is the way; but Christ is on the Cross.
I must decide of my own free will to take up the Cross; otherwise, my tongue may say that I am imitating Christ, but my actions will belie my words.
I am not walking with you, Lord, unless I spontaneously deprive myself of many things that my whims, vanity, pleasure, or self-interest clamor for. Not a single day should pass that I did not season with the salt and grace of mortification; and I must get rid of the idea that I would then be miserable. What a sad little happiness I will have if I don't learn to overcome myself, if I let my passions and fancies dominate and crush me, instead of courageously taking up your Cross!
I must be crucified along with him who was crucified, and I must suffer along with him who suffered, to be glorified along with him who was glorified.
Today’s challenge: Put aside some small, perhaps luxurious, unnecessary thing.
This image, from Seville, Spain, is called "Christ saying I THIRST" (Santo Cristo de La Sed)
這張照片來自西班牙的塞維利亞(Seville, Spain),被稱為:「基督說:『我渴!』(Santo Cristo de La Sed)」