29. 3月22日靜默-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
My God, increase my faith. Each time I approach you, I experience the desire to clearly understand your presence among us. My faith is weak, so help my unbelief not to pass by with distracted ears when you speak to my heart.
Lord Jesus, after meditating at your side on how I can love you through my neighbor, I thank you for teaching me to love the person I love the least, but also to love the one who needs it most.
Jesus, today I offer you my sins and my weakness, because I am your debtor. I know that you want to forgive me. That is why I come with great confidence. I trust in your merits and in your death. I want to be an instrument of your forgiveness. Give me this grace.
It would be wonderful if we could take a few hours one of these days of Lent to make a retreat, in which we could dedicate ourselves without haste to open ourselves to what God wants to tell us. It is a matter of getting used to silencing our own voice to be able to hear God's voice.