31.   324日起來-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪


The Lord tells us: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. In these few words he gives a command, and he makes a promise. Let us do what he commands so that we may not hear him say on the day of judgement: “I laid down certain conditions for obtaining my promises. Have you fulfilled them?”

If you say: “What did you command, Lord?” He will tell you: “I commanded you to follow me. You asked for advice on how to enter life forever.”



Let us do now what he commands. Let us follow in the footsteps of the Lord. Let us throw off the chains that prevent us from following him. Who can throw off these shackles?


You are not being told, “Work hard to find the way by which you can come to truth and life.”

Rather, the Way has itself come to you; it has awakened you from sleep. So, since you have been roused from sleep, get up and walk.



Or perhaps you are trying to walk but cannot do it because it hurts. Why are your feet hurting? Has greed or sensuality caused you to run over rough ground? The word of God heals even the lame. Or perhaps your feet are sound, but you cannot see the way to follow. Even so, he gives sight even to the blind.

Do not be sluggish! Get up! He is waiting to heal you.



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