33. 3月26日出死入生-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
The dead man Lazarus represents mankind, dead by sin. Why did Jesus decide to go to Jerusalem, when it could cost him his life? What moved him? ... His love for his dead friend. God continues loving the sinner, even when he rebels, even when he is dead. Jesus is shaken and cries for the sinner. Jesus has compassion and love for me; he calls me from death to life.
亡者拉匝祿代表著人類,因罪而死。為什麼主耶穌決定此時要去耶路撒冷?此舉可能會讓祂付出生命的代價,是什麼打動了祂呢?... 是祂對已死去朋友的愛。天主繼續地愛著罪人,即使當他悖逆,即使當他死去。主耶穌感到震驚,為罪人哭泣。主耶穌對我有憐悯和愛;祂召喚我,出死入生。
We should not be anxious about our past mistakes, or the possibility of future faults. Let's abandon ourselves into God's merciful hands. Let's show him our desires. He is listening to us. You only have to talk.
Our Lord is always ready to listen to us, but he wants our personal response, shown in the effort we make to get out of any situation which prevents us from following him closely. “In the interior life, there is but one fatal illness, one deadly mistake you can make: to settle for defeat, not to know how to fight with the spirit of a child of God. If this personal effort is lacking, the soul is paralyzed and languishes alone, and is incapable of bearing fruit.” St Josemaría
What a pity if Jesus does not find in you the man or the woman he expects. Let us tell him now, simply and plainly: "Yes, Lord, I want to be healed, I want to be freed from this impediment that separates me from you, and prevents me from living to the full the divine life to which you have called me."