
166.8月6日耶穌顯聖容-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

In the Transfiguration, Our Lord openly showed his glory in the presence of his chosen ones... so that his disciples would not be scandalized when he dies on the cross.


On the path of each Christian, there are moments of easy progress, and moments of difficult struggle. Yet purification is needed in order to attain contemplation. “I don't mind telling you that the Lord has, on occasion, given me many graces. But as a rule, I have had to go against the grain. I follow my plan, not because I like it, but because I've a duty to do so, for Love. 'But, Father', you ask me, 'can one put on an act for God? Wouldn't that be hypocritical?' Don't worry: for you the moment has arrived to play out a human comedy before a divine spectator. Persevere, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are contemplating your act; do it all for love of God, to please him, although you find it hard.”


St Josemaría continues: “We begin with vocal prayers that most of us, if not all, have learned from our mother's lips: sweet, ardent phrases addressed to the Mother of God, who is our Mother. Each day I customarily pray, not just once but many times, 'O my Lady, my Mother! I offer myself entirely to you. And as proof of my filial love, I consecrate to you this day my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart.' Isn't this true contemplation; isn't it an expression of love?


“This is the life of my children in the midst of the concerns of this world, even though they might not be aware of it. It is a way of praying and living that does not separate us from earthly realities, but that leads us to God in the midst of them.


“And I discover this peace in my daily occupations, which are no hindrance to me; quite the contrary they are my path, my reason to love more and more, to be more and more united to my God.


“It is not we who live, but rather it is Christ who lives in us (cf. Gal 2:20). There is a thirst for God, a desire to seek out his tears, his words, his smile, his face. I can find no better way of expressing it than to turn once again to the Psalms: as a deer longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.


“May each of us, by fulfilling the duties of our own state and profession, joyfully serve the Church, the Spouse of Christ, wherever God has placed us.”


    耶穌顯聖容 白孟德神父
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