
161.8月1日專注參與彌撒的秘訣-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Nine Tips to Help You Stay Focused at Mass


1. Turn off music streaming and the car radio on the way to Mass.

1. 在去彌撒的路上,關掉音樂媒體和汽車的收音機。

2. Get to Mass at least 10 minutes early. By clearing out your mind on the way to Mass and making room for silence, you have already taken steps to prepare yourself for prayer. Deepen that preparation by spending at least a few minutes in quiet prayer before Mass begins. Remind yourself that you are now in the presence of God, that you are about to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and thank Him for this gift.

2. 至少彌撒前10分鐘到達,藉由去望彌撒的路上,清理你的思緒,並為靜默騰出空間,你已經採取了步驟,來為祈禱做準備。在彌撒開始前,至少花幾分鐘安靜的祈禱,來加深這種準備。提醒自己,你現在正處於天主的臨在,你即將在聖體聖事中領受主耶穌,並感謝祂的這份恩賜。

3. Sit closer to the front. It is much easier to stay focused on what is happening there. You will also be less distracted by what is happening in the pews around you.

3. 坐靠近較前排的座位,在那裡專注於所發生的事情,會較容易得多。你也更不會因為周圍座位上所發生的事情分心。

4. Posture is very important to prayer. Let your body remind you of what your heart and mind want to be doing by keeping yourself in a reverent position. There is a reason why we teach this to kids! Try it, and you’ll probably find that it helps lessen your distractions.

4. 姿勢對祈禱非常重要,讓你的身體提醒自己,你的心靈和思緒,想要做些什麼,讓自己處於一個虔誠的狀態。我們教孩子們做,這是有原因的!嘗試一下,你可能會發現到,有助於減少你的分心。

5. Fully participate in the Mass. Mass is not an event to watch. It is a Sacrifice to participate! Say the prayers and answers of the faithful. Sing the songs with all. If it helps, follow along with each part of the Mass using a Missal.

5. 完全地參與彌撒,彌撒不是一件用來觀看的事,而是參與一項祭獻!念禱文與信友的答覆,以及大家一起唱歌。如果有幫助的話,請使用彌撒經本,專注於參與彌撒的每個部分。

6. Bring back those wandering thoughts. Mass is the place where heaven meets earth. Each time you are distracted, bring your mind back to where you are, even if you have to do this 100 times from start to finish.


7. Intentionally add your intentions and sacrifices to the prayers of the Mass.

7. 刻意地在彌撒的祈禱中,加入你的意向和犧牲。

8. Memorize the “Anima Christi” prayer. It is a beautiful prayer dating back to the Middle Ages. Pray it to keep your mind focused on what Christ is doing in your soul at your reception of Holy Communion. Do it every day and you will have it memorized:

8. 背誦「基督的靈魂」祈禱文。這是一個美麗的祈禱文,可以追溯到中世紀。用此禱文來祈禱,讓你的思緒專注於主基督在你領受聖體時,在你的靈魂中所做的事工。每天誦念,你會記住它的:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, inebriate me.

Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O good Jesus, hear me.

Within your wounds conceal me.

Do not permit me to be parted from you.

From the evil foe protect me.

At the hour of my death call me.

And bid me come to you,

to praise you with all your saints

for ever and ever.
















9. Ask for help –from your guardian angel– to keep focused on the action that is going on: with Christ (through the ministry of the priest) and with the entire Church you are making sacramentally present his sacrifice, offering it to God the Father.



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