
156.7月 27十字聖號-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

We often make the sign of the Cross. The sign of the cross is meant to express our faith in the mysteries of the Blessed Trinity –Father, Son, and Holy Spirit– and of the crucifixion of the Word Incarnate. It is the briefest act of adoration and faith in these two great mysteries.


The sign of the cross also manifests our faith in the indwelling of the Trinity. It reminds us of the connection between these mysteries, and that Jesus is the Way to the Blessed Trinity.


We can become intimate with the one God, and with the three the divine Persons only through Jesus and his cross; thus, we should be reminded of this fundamental truth by the sign of the cross. It is the sign of our adoption as children of God; it is our life. ...


We profess our faith when we say, "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit," many times a day, to the Trinity dwelling within us.


“All the grace and gift that is given, is given in the Trinity, from the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit.” St Athanasius


The sign of the cross connects us to the Mass; in it, the Victim is always offered to the Trinity. “As you attend Mass, you will learn to deepen your friendship with each one of the three divine Persons: the Father who begets the Son; the Son, begotten by the Father; the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. When we approach any one of the divine Persons, we approach the one God. And when we come close to all three Persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — again we come into the presence of the one true God.” St Josemaría


Besides, in the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lord remains with us as Emmanuel, "God with us." He instituted the Blessed Sacrament as a continuation of the Incarnation, and he is there for the same reasons as when he was on earth: to give glory to God, and not only to be with us but also to deepen and foster our union with the Blessed Trinity. By shedding his Precious Blood, he established the indwelling of the Trinity in our souls, both on earth and in heaven, for heaven is a continuation of the life we have lived on earth since baptism.


    十字聖號 白孟德神父
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