153.7月24日私審判與公審判-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Yesterday, the Gospel reminded us about the Message of the Last Judgment: At the moment of death, every man will receive “his eternal recompense in his immortal soul.” This is the particular judgment by Christ. (CCC 1051)
Those who will shine like the sun are “the multitude of those gathered around Jesus and Mary in Paradise who form the Church of heaven, where, in eternal blessedness, they see God as he is . . .” (CCC 1053).
“Following the example of Christ, the Church warns the faithful of the ‘sad and lamentable reality of eternal death’ (GCD 69), also called ‘hell’” (CCC 1056). The burning and wailing and grinding of teeth is the punishment “of eternal separation from God in whom alone man can have the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs” (CCC 1057).
「教會效法基督,提醒信友那『憂傷和痛苦的永遠死亡』(GCD 69),就是『地獄』。」(天主教道理,1056)。烈火、哀號和切齒是「永遠與天主分離,人只有在天主內,才能有生命和福樂,人為此被造,對此渴求。」(天主教道理,1057)。
But both the Church and Christ want no one to be lost, and for God “all things are possible” (CCC 1058).
“On the Day of Judgment all men will appear in their own bodies before Christ’s tribunal to render an account of their own deeds” (CCC 1059). This is the General or Last Judgment.
The future Last Judgment calls men to conversion now, since everyone who hears about it, as Christ told the crowd about it in the parable of the weeds, still has time. Right now, for us, therefore, this is “the acceptable time, … the day of salvation.” This truth should inspire in us “a holy fear of God” and a commitment “to the justice of the Kingdom of God,” that is, to live the Gospel. (CCC 1041)
Practical application: Conversion and penance. God wants every one of us to do good deeds and to stop doing evil deeds.
Now is the acceptable time to do so. Not the past, which is over; not the future, which may never come.
To do so, we can ponder the words of the parable of the wheat. Even though God is merciful and gives us grace, we can turn ourselves into weeds.
This is why a daily examination of conscience and frequent confession are essential for all of us.
Thus, let us pray that priests:
Preach the reality of sin and hell.
Preach the remedy, in the Sacrament of Penance.
Place themselves into the confessional so people can get this medicine!