145.7月16日撒種的比喻-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Our words are informative, we give information. The word of God is performative, and permanent; what he says, is done, according to his plans. It achieves something, as when Our Lord said, “Your sins are forgiven” and they really were.
The soil where the good seed falls is every man. The seed –God’s word– is good, but the fruit depends on the soil where it falls. Man has the responsibility to receive and correspond to the grace of God.
“Some seeds fell by the roadside.” The road is trodden earth, hardened. They are those oblivious to God’s word. They are people without order in their affections, not very vigilant in their feelings, with their imagination often set on useless thoughts.
We need to ask the Lord for strength to never be negligent or lukewarm, without contrition or repentance.
Another part fell on stony ground, when the sun rose, the wheat withered and dried up because it had no root. This rocky area represents superficial souls, with little interior depth, inconstant, and incapable of persevering. They have good dispositions; they even receive grace with joy, but when they have to face difficulties, when it costs them something, they retreat; they are not capable of sacrificing themselves to carry out the resolutions they once made, and these die without bearing fruit.
We must ask the Lord for constancy of purpose, a spirit of sacrifice so as not to stop in the face of the difficulties that we will necessarily encounter. To begin and begin again and again, with holy stubbornness, striving to reach the holiness to which Jesus calls us, and for which he gives us the necessary graces.
Another part fell among thorns; the thorns grew up and choked it. They are people choked with anxiety about getting by in this world and filled with desire for material goods, and so, grace remains barren. They are blind to what is truly important. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be.
We can also be good soil, people who welcome grace and bear fruit. The Lord pours himself into the soul to the extent that he finds a welcome. God gives us so many graces because he has confidence in each one of us. ‘God who created you without you, will not save you without you’.
Am I corresponding to the graces that the Lord is giving me? Do I cleanse the harmful weeds by frequent Confession, by acts of contrition? Do I prepare my soul to receive the inspirations of God? We can no more be satisfied with what we do in the service to God than an artist is satisfied with the painting that comes from his hands. Everyone tells him: it is a marvel; but he thinks: no, it is not that; I would want more. This is how we should react.
"Besides, the Lord gives us much, he has the right to our fullest correspondence..., and we must go at his pace". Let us not lag behind.
(Today is Our Lady of Mount Carmel)