
142.7月13日永遠年輕-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

“When people give themselves freely, at every moment of their self-surrender, freedom renews their love; to be renewed in that way is to be always young, generous, capable of high ideals and great sacrifices… I tell you this because, although I have been around a good many years, when I pray at the foot of the altar ‘to God who gives joy to my youth’, I feel young and I know that I will never consider myself old. If I keep true to my God, Love will constantly vivify me.

「人在自我奉獻、自我委順的那一刻,愛就被自由所更新,而這更新正意味永遠年輕、慷慨,可擁有更高的理想,而作出更大的犧牲。我真高興葡萄牙人稱呼年輕人為「新人os novos」,因這個稱呼真貼切。雖然我年紀不小了,但每次到主台前祈禱,「走近我最喜悅的天主面前。」(詠42:4)我都覺得自己很年輕,因為,如我對主忠信,主的愛會不斷使我充滿活力。

“It's because we love freedom that we tie ourselves down. Only pride sees such bonds as a heavy chain. True humility, which is taught us by the One who is meek and humble of heart, shows that his yoke is easy and his burden light: his yoke is freedom and love and unity; his yoke is the Life which he won for us on the Cross.”


And after the Cross – let us not forget – comes the glorious Resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. “In the life of Christ, Calvary preceded the Resurrection and Pentecost. This is the order that must be followed in the life of any Christian. We are, as St Paul tells us, heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ, provided, however, we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him. The Holy Spirit comes to us as a result of the Cross – as a result of our total abandonment to the Will of God, of seeking only his glory and renouncing ourselves completely.” St Josemaría

且在十字架的犧牲之後—讓我們不要忘記—是光榮的復活與聖神的澆灌。「因為在基督的一生裡,加爾瓦略山的苦難,正是耶穌復活和聖神降臨的前奏。任何一個基督徒的生命,也應該仿效這一個順序。正如聖保祿對我們所說的,我們既是「天主的子女,是承繼者,是天主的承繼者,是基督的同承繼者;只要我們與基督一同受苦,也必然與祂一同受光榮」。 天主聖神降臨到我們之間,是十字架的果實—是由於我們全心全意信賴天主的聖意,唯獨尋求祂的光榮,和完全犧牲自我,而結出的果實。」(基督剛經過,137)

Yes, you must live life beautifully and not allow the spirit of the world that makes gods out of power, riches, and pleasure make you to forget that you have been created for greater things. To reach them, be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.


This is the road that leads straight to God: total detachment from ourselves and from what we possess, what we use. It is worthwhile to ask from our Lady this gift for everyone, remembering her loving submission to God's will: “Be it done unto me according to your word.”


    永遠年輕 白孟德神父
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