
135.7月6日依靠天主-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

God raised us to the supernatural order, a dignity which completely surpasses anything that is due to our nature as human beings. He, in his infinite goodness, has called us to be his own children.


Thus, supernatural life must form the ultimate basis of our personality. Human things and divine things must come together as one, because we have been chosen by God in the middle of the world to take Christ to the summit of all human activities, to divinize the things of this earth. “By yourself, if you don't count on grace, you can do nothing worthwhile, for you would be cutting the link which connects you with God. With grace, on the other hand, you can do all things.” St Josemaría


Our Lord Jesus Christ calls grace "living water", because it is always acting. The grace of the Holy Spirit, when it enters the soul and settles there, has greater power than the most torrential river; it never fails or dries up or ceases to come. To express this inexhaustible gift, this indescribable energy, the Lord calls it a fountain and a river. He also calls it water that springs up, to express its force and impetus.


That is how our life will be if we respond faithfully to God's grace. There is nothing that can withstand the force of grace: The waters shall make their way through the mountains. For God fills all things and makes them fruitful with his grace. With his strength we can achieve anything; all we have to do is get rid of whatever impedes his action. Then we will have all the power of our Father God. Anchored in this confidence, St Josemaría encourages us: “With God's grace, you have to tackle and carry out the impossible, because anybody can do what is possible.”


Thus, each of us must be like a computer mouse in the hand of God, writing a love letter to the world; obeying Him, executing His plan of salvation.

Madonna with the Child Jesus and St John Baptist by Carracci (1560-1609)



    依靠天主 白孟德神父
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