126.6月27日基督徒的聖召-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
“Your Christian vocation requires you to be in God and, at the same time, to be concerned with the things of the earth, using them objectively, just as they are: to give them back to Him.”
Everything has to be ordered towards God, as a requirement of its very existence. We serve the Church in the heart of civil society, by giving life to all human work. This is the specific mission of the lay faithful.
St Josemaría: “With the apostolate of the Opus Dei, lay people don't act simply to fill a gap, but take full and responsible possession of the specific field God has shown them as the place for their mission in the Church, and carry out an apostolate whose specializations can't be mapped out beforehand, because they are one with the possibilities of human work and social development Devoid of rigidity, this apostolate is open to all the structural changes that may take place in time, in the nature of society.
聖施禮華說道:「藉著主業團的使徒工作,平信徒不會只為了填補隔閡而行動,而是完全且負責任地佔有天主所顯示給他們的具體範疇,作為他們在教會中傳教的地方,並執行一個無法事先描繪出的專業使徒工作,因為他們與人類工作和社會發展的可能性合而為一,並不殭化, 這項使徒工作對社會的本質,可能即時發生的所有結構性變化,保持開放的態度。
“Therefore, we can say that there weighs upon us the concern and responsibility for all the holy Church, and not of this or that sector of it… Our service to the whole Church has a professional character; it is the service rendered by citizens who take the Christian witness of example and doctrine to the furthest corners of civil society.”
This apostolic action in the heart of society will be more effective if we have recourse to our Blessed Lady. “In the middle of the rejoicing at the feast in Cana, only Mary notices that they are short of wine. A soul will notice even the smallest details of service if like her, it is alive with a passion for helping its neighbor, for God.” St Josemaría
Think of this: A life not lived for the others is not a life.
We fear the future because we are wasting today.
I alone cannot change the world, but I want to be like a stone cast across the waters to create many ripples.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.